Wednesday, August 3, 2011

4 week post op update!!

Went to the Dr this morning for my 4 week post op appointment.  Dr said it looked really good and that the color of my foot was normal due to the blood pooling in my foot.  The toes and foot will become normal again once it becomes less stiff.  He wants me to still wear the boot for 2 more weeks but to start putting some weight on it as much as I can tolerate and to try and ween myself off the crutches.  3 weeks in he would like me to try and see if I can tolerate wearing shoes because at the next appointment (1 month) he hopes I will be walking in shoes.
I am scheduled to have physical therapy 2 times a week but my first one won't start for another week (Aug 11th).  In a way I can't wait but then the other part of me say I know its going to suck and probably hurt like a mother!!!  I still have to keep the tape on my incision and only cut off the tape that has peeled away.  I can see the scar is starting to get a little crusty and scabs are forming which are all good signs!!  The itching is getting more intense and I have my handy little back scratcher to solve that problem!
I have tried for the first time putting some weight on it and man does it hurt, LOL.  I am going to try and keep moving it as much as I can but going to limit trying to put to much weight on it right now until my first therapy session.  That way maybe it will have loosened it up some and be less painful.  Anyways here are some pics of how it looks 1 month after surgery.  I will keep posting updates as I progress!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Well tomorrow is my 4 week post op check and I will see where I go from there.  I have been in and out of the boot for 2 weeks. I am not really moving it to much just letting some air get to it .  I have a few issues I will need to bring up to the dr tomorrow.  One of the problems is my foot gets really red and swollen when I am up for 3 minutes or more.  I know the common reason for this is because blood is rushing down but I will see tomorrow. The other issue is my toes are curled up and stay that way.  I can move them down to were they are level but then they just return back.  I don't know if this is because they are just stiff from me not using them or what.  Other than that I am feeling good.  I don't know if I will return to work light duty or off for another 2-3 weeks.  I work on my feet 8-9 hours a night on concrete floors and that is my biggest concern as I would hate to re-injure it because I went to work to early.

Here is a picture showing the difference in color

Here is a picture of my normal foot 

Surgery foot with curved toes (looks weird)