Saturday, August 20, 2011

Forgot to mention last weekend me, my daughter and g/f decided to go school shopping and ended up being on my feet for 4+ hours.  I was still in the boot the whole time too.  My foot ended up becoming so swollen but had no pain.  It looked like I was allergic to something, LOL.  Here are some pics after a shower and it was still swollen.  It still gets swollen after a long time on my feet but that is common.  I know my feet still have an orange tint from the iodine but thats hard to get off.

Friday, August 19, 2011

I have been to my 3rd therapy and things are starting to loosen up some.  I now have 10 degrees of motion in my ankle up and down.  I am able to put some weight on it and kinda limp my way around but not actually walk just yet.
As far as the incision it is looking really good.  The steri strips are all off as well as the scabs.  I tell you what when those strips were on it became really itchy under the tape cause of the dead peeling skin.  I am still have some itching but not as bad.  The numbness is still there and is kinda sore around the ankle area still.  I will post up more later next week when I start walking some. Here is a pic of my current scar, LOOKING GOOD!!