Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I have been at work for 3 weeks almost and I have been struggling with different issues throughout the night.  My main issue is trying to deal with planter fasciitis on both feet but more so on the right.  I have tried new insoles and new shoes as well as different shoes I had laying around and nothing has helped.  It is getting less intense but it still makes for a long night walking on concrete floors!!!  I also have started to notice that when I wear shoes the part of the arch that is more towards the heel feels as if there is a knot there when walking but nothing is really there.  I also just started feeling like there is a stone or rock in my shoe near my heel area.
As far as the recovery I am still attending PT and will be for the next 2 weeks.  My mobility is good but not great and am still have pain off and on towards the bottom area near the incision as well as around the ankle area.  I am going to the gym about 5-6 days a week depending how my foot feels after work.  I do what I can to try and lose this weight I have gained (BTW I started off at 178 and got up as high as 203, I am now at 195).  I am swimming and getting in the sauna and steam room too.  Still not able to jog or run just yet.