Thursday, August 11, 2011

First day of physical therapy!

This morning I had an appointment for my first therapy.  The therapist basically just evaluated me and did some measurements as far as how flexible my ankle was.  After that he had me do some easy stretching exercises to try and loosen up the ankle some.  Wasn't anything hard this morning at all. I was told I need to try and lose the steri-strips by my next visit on Wed.  I came home and took off a middle one cause it was almost off and one of the end ones.  While taking these off it started peeling my dead skin off and was very weird, LOL.  I am going to hold off on the others until my doctor says to take them off.  (he wanted me to wait til they fell off but that wasn't going to happen because they are on there pretty good).
As far as everything else it seems good.  The incision is getting scabs on it and some have already came off. Foot is peeling from all the dead skin from I don't know what.  Foot is still swollen and is tender around the top, bottom, and near the ankle area.  I still have numbness around the incision and have a feeling that will be there for a while.  I also am still getting some tingling or sharp jolts in the incision area but that is from the damage to the nerves he said.

Here is a picture of how it looked about 4 days before taking 2 strips off

Strip off, looks good

this shot looks kinda weird, LOL. That stuff peeling maybe just the glue they put on or could be dead skin. Which ever it is it felt good to be off. Oh, and the white on my heels is because my feet are so dry and probably has dead skin.

I am still unable to walk at this time but hopefully in a week or 2 I will be walking in the boot.  I have been sleeping without the boot for the last week and it feels so good but may have to start wearing it at night again  to prevent my foot from getting to relaxed and going to limp.  My doctor is hoping I will walk into his office at the beginning of sept in either the boot or my shoes!!  We shall see.

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